Sunday, 28 October 2012

White Bread

I haven't made bread since I was 5 years old, but the smell of freshly baked bread is delicious and just perfect for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Especially when Andy dragged me out for a 7 mile run this morning and I ache all over now. It took me a week to recover from last week's run! Following the trusty TGBBO book again, we headed to Asda to pick up the ingredients. Asda was, predictably, hell on earth, but we survived and only broke 2 self check outs in the process.

So the dough first stuck to my hands and made me look like I had leprosy, but after 10 minutes of kneading it started to look like proper dough. After it had proved, and grown to the size of a small monster, I divided it into 2, to make 1 loaf and 6 rolls.

As you can see the 6 rolls are not particularly even in size... They expanded so quickly and probably 'over-prooved', which I'm sure is mentioned a lot when talking about bread. But it looks good and Andy says they taste ok too, which is a ringing endorsement!

Need to work on my 'light dusting' of flour.

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