It's made out of pretty thick wool, which was great fun to knit with because it was so quick! Unlike when I knitted an Arsenal scarf for Andy a couple of years ago - that took forever.
On Saturday we took a trip to my favourite shop of all time - Ikea! We only popped in to look at Christmas decorations, but as usual came out with £30 worth of stuff. Finally we have a mirror for the spare room. Technically we're supposed to ask the letting agents for permission before we attach anything to the walls, but as I rang them 3 times in the last week and I'm still waiting for them to get back to me, we're going to put the mirror up anyway and worry about it later.
I've been after one of these wicker hearts for a while now, we went to the Chatsworth House Christmas Market on Saturday and they had loads, but they were very pricey. Luckily Ikea had some that were very reasonable. So this is what it looks like in daylight:
We threaded a set of LED lights through it, and now it looks all festive:
It's not quite an acceptable time to put the Christmas tree up - we have to wait until after Andy's birthday on Thursday - but I'm already in the spirit of things. Shame this year I'm working nights over Christmas anyway, sometimes it really sucks that people get sick all year round.
Anyone else in the Christmas spirit yet?